Services Drunk Driving

Facing drunk driving has never carried the severe consequences of the present laws we now have in Michigan...

DWI? Getting to an experienced attorney as soon as possible is critical.

Facing drunk driving has never carried the severe consequences of the present laws we now have in Michigan.  From operating with a high blood alcohol content (BAC) to impaired driving to operating with a controlled substance or having marijuana in your system, the cards are not in your favor if you are singled out and pulled over. 

Drunk driving charges can be more serious than you first might think and can have a detrimental effect upon your insurance rates, ability to drive, and your ability to get to and from work efficiently. We’ve had numerous successes helping clients avoid conviction for OWI.

We’ve also been instrumental in helping juveniles facing Minor in Possession (MIP) charges.

Getting to an experienced attorney as soon as possible is critical -- not only to look over your paperwork, to determine deadlines, and exculpatory evidence -- but to go through extensive interview to gather all the available information while it is fresh in your mind. Even the littlest detail can mean the difference in avoiding charges or lessening the impact of the OWI charge. 

Michigan breaks down the drunk driving case into the following categories: 
  • Operating while intoxicated (OWI) with a high BAC
  • Operating while intoxicated 
  • Operating while impaired
  • Operating with the presence of a controlled substance